August/September 2013 Prayer Requests/Highlights

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We continue taking gift bags in the strip clubs and giving them to the girls, bartenders, owners, managers and patrons. Each gift bag contains a gift, an encouraging scripture, an invitation to church and chocolate candy. August’s gift was a small, magnetic white board they can put in their locker or give to their kid for school. In September, we gave shower gels/body lotion.

Even though we may have had a rough week or day, when we get to the clubs, it’s wonderful to see the smiles on the door girls’ faces and to be greeted with big hugs and a kiss on the cheek from the managers and owners. Makes you forget you had a lousy day.

Below are highlights and prayer requests:

  • It was Giselle’s first night dancing. A former dancer was on our team and talked to her.
  • Angie doesn’t want to be broke so she’s dancing.
  • Mia asked for prayer.
  • Daniella and her sister asked for prayer for their dad who is in jail.
  • Nikki needs to stay out of the business but needs a job to pay for her son’s medical issues.
  • Delilah asks for prayer for her kid.
  • Brianna and her friend said they need Jesus and wanted prayer and wanted to know more about finding Him.
  • Young & Cassandra want general prayer.
  • Victoria said, “I so needed this.”
  • Another girl told us she numbs herself to do this job. We pray she gets out before the addictions take control.
  • Bunny, Dani, Beverly, Lee, Ping, Chris and Sylvia want prayer for safety and finances.
  • Brittney wants help in her spiritual life. She grabbed a couple of the team members’ hands and asked for prayer.
  • Alissa, Maria & Jessica want prayer for finances “and everything”.

Please say a prayer for these ladies and their families. Some are going through a tough spot right now. We are honored to be a part of their lives even if it’s only for a few minutes one night. Also remember the guys working in the clubs and the patrons. Everyone has stuff they’re dealing with. We all need prayer and a hug.

Thanks for your prayers and support!
